Celebrate Recovery

Every Tuesday
6:30pm – 9:00pm
Location: 606 FM 1791 North , Huntsville, Texas 77320
Category: Celebrate Recovery Coordinator: Scotty McKinleyCelebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.
6:30 – 7:00 pm – Meal and Snacks
7:00 – 8:00 pm – General Meeting (adult women and men) & Celebration Place (children 5-12 years old)
8:00 – 9:00 pm - Open Share Groups
The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery (CR) is to provide fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles” and “12 Steps.” By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually and allow God to change us. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates a peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
Celebrate Recovery is not just a program for Substance Abuse. The program helps us deal with many issues in our lives. Some of those issues are: Abuse, Anger, Alcoholism, Anxiety, Depression, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Codependency, Grief, Divorce, Relationship Issues, Overeating, Drug Addiction, Pornography … and many others.
Our hope is to provide women and men with a safe place to share their hurts, habits and hang-ups with others in an atmosphere of worship, community and scripture.
Our prayer is that through this ministry, you will be able to exchange the struggles in your life for the abundant life that Christ came to make available to us all.
Celebrate Recovery is open to everyone in the community, 18 years and up. Childcare is available.