Join us Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 am

Connect with a LIFE GroupJoin one of our LIFE Group that meet throughout the week. Covenant Fellowship is dedicated to connecting everyone to a LIFE Group and then coming together on Sunday to have a Celebration Service praising God for all that He is doing in our lives and through our LIFE Groups. Covenant Fellowship is a church structured by small study groups known as LIFE Groups. LIFE Groups are our primary strategy to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. It is in these groups that meaningful relationships are developed, spiritual growth is deepened, and opportunities to serve are discovered. These groups meet throughout the week offering Bible Study opportunity and fellowship. Take a look at the LIFE Group offerings below and prayerfully consider which small group opportunity God may be leading you to participate in. Get involved today!!!!!

LIFE Groups and Bible Studies

For more information about any of the Covenant Fellowship LIFE Groups or if you would like to start a group, please contact Pastor Scotty McKinley at 936.435.0993 x103 or

Sunday Morning Bible Study Groups:

Multiple groups meet at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings at Covenant Fellowship.

  • Seekers meets on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM in Room 101. The focus of the group is to use Scripture as a basis for understanding life issues and current events. All ages of adults are welcome, singles and couples. Contact Link Ermis 936.581.1168 and Amanda Ermis 936.661.0129.
  • Adult group led by Kenneth Matej meets at 10:00 AM in the Overflow Room next to Kitchen. All ages of adults are welcome, singles and couples. 
  • Women's Bible Study led by Catharine James, meets in the office at 10:00 AM.
  • Men's Bible Study led by Rob James, meets in the office (sometimes patio) at 10:00 AM.
  • Youth group led by Pastor Scott Williams meets at 10:00 AM in the Youth Building.
  • Kids led by Amanda Largent. A nursery is provided for infants and preschoolers.

Weekly LIFE Groups and Bible Studies:

Many of our weekday groups do not meet during the summer. Please contact the group leader to check status and when the group will meet next.


Life's Healing Choices: The group meets at Good Shepherd Mission on Thursday morning form 8:00-9:00 AM. LHS is open to anyone in the community. Come, grow and meet some new friends. Contact Dean Halley (936.662.3482 or or Scotty McKinley (936.435.0993 x103 or

Bible Art Journaling: This group meets @ 6:00-7:30 PM at Covenant Fellowship on 1st & 3rd Mondays. You will discover new ways to spend time in Scripture, gain a deeper understanding of the Word through creative expression and build relationships with new friends. Contact Sammie Halley @ 936.581.4513 or


Tuesday Night Tribe: Meets in various homes in Elkins Lake on Tuesday nights, starting at 6:00 PM. Contact Troy Selman at 936.661.9195 for details.


Prayer Warriors for Christ: Led by Pastor David Valentine (936.435.0993 x101 or, Prayer Warriors for Christ meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM at the home of Judy Woods located at 201 Pine Valley. This group focuses on prayer for the church and each other. Emphasis is also centered on what God is doing in people’s lives and what we must do to join Him as He moves. There are testimonies and praises as God’s power and presence is seen moving in the lives of His people.

Family Mid-Week Life Group: This is the perfect LIFE Group for families with children (kids – 6th Grade). The group meets from 6:00 – 7:15 PM at Covenant Fellowship located at 606 FM 1791 North. A light meal is served beginning at 5:45 PM. Contact Amanda Largent at 979.492.6640.

Covenant Youth: Led by Scott/Shannon Williams 936.355.0724 with Youth, 7th-12th grades. The LIFE Group meets at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays at Covenant Fellowship youth building located at 606 FM 1791 North. A snack/meal is provided as they meet for a mid-week fellowship & Bible study time.

The Edge: EDGE (Equipping Disciples to Go Everywhere) is our College & Career ministry. EDGE meets weekly for Bible study, dinner and fellowship at 8PM on Wednesday nights at various locations. Join this group for indoor and outdoor Game Nights on weekends. Contact Jordan Cravens @ 936.435.0993 x106 or

Come as You Are: This group meets in the Covenant Fellowship Office on Wednesday nights @ 6:30PM. All ages of adults are welcome, singles and couples. Contact Scott Jodzio @ 619.455.6653 or


Ladies Lunch Bunch: This group meets on Thursday at Noon for lunch and Bible Study in Covenant Fellowship—Room 101 . Contact Sherri Williamson at 936.355.0521 or

Thursday Night Alive: The group meets on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in person or on Zoom (Zoom ID: 7074803508 Password: Study). All ages of adults are welcome, singles and couples. Location: Lyles Farm @ 8 Old Midway Rd, Midway Texas. (Between Huntsville & Midway, near the intersection of FM 2829 and FM 247 on Old Midway Rd., first entrance at the sign on the fence saying, “Hale’s Big House.”). Contact Tommy Lyles at 713.816.4513.


Discerning Women: This LIFE Group for women meets on Saturdays at 10:30 AM at the Covenant Fellowship Office located at 606 FM 1791 North. Contact Maria Lohmann at or 936.355.0906.