Women connect and serve with each other many ways at Covenant Fellowship.
Women’s Leadership Team:
This group serves in many ways throughout the year. For more information, please contact Maria Lohmann (936.355.0906).
- Organizes women’s conferences and retreats.
- Serves during Covenant Fellowship events and special days.
- Hosts Christmas party.
- Holds drives for community needs.
- Serves on First Impressions teams on Sunday mornings.
- Hosts annual dessert auction to raise funds for all of the above.
Women’s LIFE Groups and Bible Studies:
Visit LIFE Groups for a full list of groups.
- Sunday - Women’s Bible Study led by Catharine James, meets in the Covenant Fellowship office at 10:00 AM.
- Monday – Bible Art Journaling meets at Covenant Fellowship on 1st and 3rd Monday, 6:00 – 7:30 PM.
- Thursday – Ladies Lunch Bunch meets at Noon for lunch and Bible Study in Covenant Fellowship — Room 101.
- Saturday – Discerning Women meets at 10:00 AM at the Covenant Fellowship Office.
- Saturday – Life2gether meets 4:00 PM at the Fowler Residence (5020 FM 1374 Rd Huntsville, Texas 77340).
Celebrate Recovery Women’s Groups:
Visit Celebrate Recovery for more information.
- Tuesday Nights - Women’s Open Share Groups meet at 8:00 PM after Large Group Meeting.
- Women’s Step Studies start at various time throughout the year.
Other Ongoing Opportunities:
- Ladies Game Nights
- Pickleball
- And more!